

Distinction is awarded to majors who have earned grades of A or A– in three–quarters of the credits in the major and a grade of A or A– on the senior essay. All courses that are counted for the major are included in the calculation for distinction. Courses taken on a Credit/D/Fail basis are included as non–A grades.


The Department awards the following prizes for senior essays:

International Relations James Gordon Bennett Prize
Political Philosophy Philo S. Bennett Prize
Comparative Government or Politics Charles W. Clark Prize
American Political System Frank M. Patterson Prize

Support of the principles of the American Constitution and its first ten amendments

Percival Wood Clement Prize

Prize Winning Senior Essays 2023-24

Prize Winning Senior Essays 2022-23

Prize Winning Senior Essays 2021-22

Prize Winning Senior Essays 2020-21

Prize Winning Senior Essays 2019-20

  • Katharine Barr Berman, “From the Balfour Declaration of 1917 to the Farhud of 1941: Treatment of Jews in Iraq and Patterns of Jewish Emigration” (Advised by Jeffrey Macris):  2020 James Gordon Bennett Prize (International Relations) - Best paper based on work completed in the fall term and the first half of the spring term.
  • Elias Mastakouris and Chaltu Musse:  2020 James Gordon Bennett Prize (International Relations) - Most outstanding scholarship in international relations throughout the course of the major.
  • Chloe Prendergast for selections from her senior essay (which was titled “The Comic Effect: Humor and the Construction of National Identity in Northern Ireland”) including “Conceptual Foundations” and “Comedy and National Identity in Northern Ireland: Television.” (Advised by Bonnie Weir):  2020 Charles Washburn Clark Prize (Comparative Politics)
  • Marwan Safar Jalani:  2020 Charles Washburn Clark Prize (Comparative Politics) - Most outstanding scholarship in comparative politics throughout the course of the major.
  • Holly Jackson, “Creedal Passion Politics? The End of Yale’s Calhoun College and the Start of a Green New Deal Revolution” (Advised by John Dearborn):  2020 Percival Wood Clement Prize (US Constitution) - Best paper based on work completed in the fall term and the first half of the spring term.
  • Steven Tian:  2020 Percival Wood Clement Prize (US Constitution) - Most outstanding scholarship on American Constitutional issues throughout the course of the major.
  • Steven Rome, “Fairness under Fire: Ricci v. DeStefano and the Racial Legitimacy Gap” (Advised by John DeStefano):  2020 Frank M. Patterson Prize (American Politics) - Best paper based on work completed in the fall term and the first half of the spring term.
  • Neil Goodman, Christina Pao, and Benjamin Waldman:  2020 Frank M. Patterson Prize (American Politics) - Most outstanding scholarship on American Politics throughout the course of the major.
  • Isaiah Affron, for selections from his senior essay, “‘Alter or Abolish’: The American Right of Revolution” including “Chapter One: The Duty to Resist from Calvin to Locke” (advised by Steven Smith):  2020 Philo Sherman Bennett Prize (Political Philosophy) - Best paper based on work completed in the fall term and the first half of the spring term.
  • Keerthana Annamaneni and Justin Jin:  2020 Philo Sherman Bennett Prize (Political Philosophy) - Most outstanding scholarship on political philosophy throughout the course of the major.

Prize Winning Senior Essays 2018-19

  • Alex Brod, “The Role of Roll” (advisor John Henderson):  Frank Miner Patterson Prize for the best senior essay on the American Political System
  • Maxime Pradier, “Why do Louisiana Prosecutors Seek the Death Penalty in Aggravated Murder Cases?” (advisor Gregory Huber):  Percival Wood Clement Prize for the best senior essay on the U.S. Constitution and its First Ten Amendments        
  • John Kauffman, “Judges Picking Judges” (advisor Steven Calabresi):  Charles Washburn Clark Prize for the best senior essay in Comparative Politics 
  • Clara Ma, “The United States and China in the Arctic” (advisor Daniel Mattingly):  James Gordon Bennett Prize for the best senior essay in International Relations
  • Elliot Setzer, “Citizenship and Political Economy in Nineteenth Century French Liberal Thought” (advisor Giulia Oskian):  Philo Sherman Bennett Prize for the best senior essays in Political Philosophy
  • Daniel Wasserman, “The Passion of Justice: Plato’s Education of Anger in the Republic” (advisor Steven Smith):  Philo Sherman Bennett Prize for the best senior essays in Political Philosophy

Prize Winning Senior Essays 2017-18

  • Anna Lipin:  Percival Wood Clement Prize for the best senior essay on the U.S. Constitution and its First Ten Amendments
  • Kyle Deakins:  Frank Miner Patterson Prize for the best senior essay on the American Political System
  • Matthew Toland:  Charles Washburn Clark Prize for the best senior essays in Comparative Politics
  • Hillary Lutkus:  James Gordon Bennett Prize for the best senior essay in International Relations
  • Simiao Li:  Philo Sherman Bennett Prize for the best senior essay in Political Philosophy

Prize Winning Senior Essays 2016-17

  • Azeezat Adeleke: Percival Wood Clement Prize for the best senior essay on the U.S. Constitution and its first ten amendments
  • Abigail Bessler: Frank Miner Patterson Prize for the best senior essay on the American political system
  • Simone Paci: Charles Washburn Clark Prize for the best senior essay on Comparative Politics
  • Joseph Tomchak: Charles Washburn Clark Prize for the best senior essay on Comparative Politics 
  • Rachel Williams: James Gordon Bennett Prize for the best senior essay on International Relations
  • Angelina Xing: Philo Sherman Bennett Prize for the best senior essay on Political Philosophy

Prize Winning Senior Essays 2015-16

  • Anna Baron: Frank Miner Patterson Prize for the best senior essay on the American political system
  • Colleen Flynn: Frank Miner Patterson Prize for the best senior essay on the American political system
  • Alina Sidorova: Charles Washburn Clark Prize for the best senior essay on Comparative Politics
  • Ameze Belo-Osagie: James Gordon Bennett Prize for the best senior essay on International Relations
  • Deborah Won: Percival Wood Clement Prize for the best senior essay on the U.S. Constitution and its first ten amendments

Prize Winning Senior Essays 2014-15

  • Eric Stern: Frank Miner Patterson Prize for the best senior essay on the American political system
  • Danielle Ellison: Charles Washburn Clark Prize for the best senior essay on Comparative Politics
  • Charlotte Storch: James Gordon Bennett Prize for the best senior essay on International Relations
  • Dana Schneider: Percival Wood Clement Prize for the best senior essay on the U.S. Constitution and its first ten amendments
  • Zachary Krislov: Philo Sherman Bennett Prize for the best senior essay on Political Philosophy

Prize Winning Senior Essays 2013-14

  • Joshua Kalla: Frank Miner Patterson Prize for the best senior essay on the American political system
  • Christina Hull: Charles Washburn Clark Prize for the best senior essay on Comparative Politics
  • Drew Morrison: Charles Washburn Clark Prize for the best senior essay on Comparative Politics
  • Marissa Dearing: James Gordon Bennett Prize for the best senior essay on International Relations
  • Patrick Toth: Percival Wood Clement Prize for the best senior essay on the U.S. Constitution and its first ten amendments
  • Gabriel Levine: Philo Sherman Bennett Prize for the best senior essay on Political Philosophy

Prize Winning Senior Essays 2012-13

  • Stacey Chen: Frank Miner Patterson Prize for the best senior essay on the American political system
  • Anna Moore: Charles Washburn Clark Prize for the best senior essay on Comparative Politics
  • Baobao Zhang: James Gordon Bennett Prize for the best senior essay on International Relations
  • Emily Gray: Percival Wood Clement Prize for the best senior essay on the U.S. Constitution and its first ten amendments

Prize Winning Senior Essays 2011-12

  • Joshua Rosmarin: Frank Miner Patterson Prize for the best senior essay on the American political system
  • Carmen Lu: Charles Washburn Clark Prize for the best senior essay on Comparative Politics
  • Devin Smith: James Gordon Bennett Prize for the best senior essay on International Relations
  • Tony Cheng: Percival Wood Clement Prize for the best senior essay on the U.S. Constitution and its first ten amendments

Prize Winning Senior Essays 2010-11

  • David Broockman: Frank Miner Patterson Prize for the best senior essay on the American political system
  • Garentina Kraja: Charles Washburn Clark Prize for the best senior essay on Comparative Politics
  • George Bogden: James Gordon Bennett Prize for the best senior essay on International Relations
  • Daniel Beniak: Percival Wood Clement Prize for the best senior essay on the U.S. Constitution and its first ten amendments
  • Samuel Jackson: Philo Sherman Bennett Prize for the best senior essay on Political Philosophy