Graduate Placement

Here is a list of recent graduates of the Ph.D. program along with their initial placement after graduation.

By initial placement, we mean the first job after graduation, unless a student transitions from a non-tenure-track position to a tenure-track position within three years of graduation. In this latter case, we note the tenure-track position and include the preceding non-tenure-track positions in brackets.

Bios, including current positions, may be found by clicking on the student’s name, whenever available

If you’re a Graduate from the Political Science Program at Yale University and would like to let us know what you are doing, please fill out the Graduate Placement Listing form from the department and the following survey from the Graduate School.

PhD award 2025-2026

Paul Lendway Stanford University (Summer of 2025)

PhD award 2024-2025

David Froomkin University of Houston Law Center
Sam Zacher University of Southern California

PhD award 2023-2024

Da’Von Anthony Boyd Williams College
Chris Chambers University of Pennsylvania
Annabelle Hutchinson Hamilton College
Changwook Ju Stanford UniversityCenter for International Security and Cooperation
Cleo O’Brien-Udry University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Joy Wang University of Chicago

PhD award 2022-2023

Michael Goldfien U.S. Naval War College
Daniel A. N. Goldstein European University Institute
Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow
Fahd Humayun Tufts University
Mie Inouye Bard College
Viva Iemanja Jeronimo Latham & Watkins LLP
Dipin Kaur Ashoka University
Vatsal Naresh Harvard University
College Fellow in Social Studies
Armando Perez-Gea Stanford University, Fellow and Lecturer for Civic, Libreral, and Global Education
Clara Picker St. John’s College
Shikhar Singh

University of Pennsylvania,
Center for the Advanced Study of India, Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Johannes Wiedemann Uber
Core Analytics and Science Organization, Applied Scientist
Jennifer D. Wu

SUNY Binghamton (after University of Pennsylvania, Provost Postdoctoral Fellow)

Hikaru Yamagishi Harvard University
Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Program on U.S.-Japan Relations.

PhD award 2021-2022

David Minchin Allison Project on Managing the Atom, Belfer Center, Harvard Kennedy School
Stanton Postdoctoral Nuclear Security Fellow
Stephanie Almedia Nevin

Yale University
Postdoctoral Associate and Lecturer

Angele Delevoye Stanford University
Immigration Policy Lab
Trevor Incerti Harvard University
Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
Sophie Jacobson Harvard University
IAI Postdoctoral Fellow
Constantine Manda

University of California, Irvine

Torey McMurdo Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Darren Nah Bain & Company
Gwen Prowse Tulane University, Political Science & Africana Studies
Eli Rau Princeton University
Center for the Study of Democratic Politics Fellow
Nica Siegel Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main
Postdoctoral Fellow
James Sundquist

Yale University
Jackson School of Global Affairs

John Ternovski Georgetown University, McCourt School of Public Policy
Postdoctoral Fellow

PhD award 2020-2021

Mayesha Alam Mercy Corps and United Nations University Centre for Policy Research
Nicholas Anderson The George Washington University, Elliott School of International Affairs
Visiting Scholar
Tyler Bowen Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies, Kissinger Center postdoctoral fellow
Anna Feuer Deep Springs College
Matthew Graham George Washington University postdoc
Nathan Grubman Stanford University, Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law postdoc
Stephen Herzog ETH Zurich, Center for Security Studies
Charlotte Hulme United States Military Academy, West Point
Melis Laebens University of Oxford, Nuffield College postdoc
Hilary Matfess Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver
Elizabeth McGuire Brigham Young University
Lilla Orr University of Richmond (after postdoc at Stanford University)
Christina Seyfried McKinsey & Company
Jiahua Yue Duke Kunshan University

PhD award 2019-2020

Tommaso Bardelli NYU postdoc
Jonathon Baron Facebook Demography & Survey Science research scientist
Alyssa Battistoni Harvard University Center for the Environment postdoctoral fellow
Matthew Cebul United States Institute of Peace (after postdoc at the University of Michigan, Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies)
Carmen Dege Van Leer Jerusalem Institute postdoc
Maximilian Krahe Royal Academy of Belgium
Elizabeth Krontiris Wellesley College’s Writing Program visiting lecturer
Tumi Makgetla Yale University postdoc
Paul Merklinger United States Military Academy, West Point (instructor, then assistant professor)
Stephen Moncrief Tufts University Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy postdoc
Gautam Nair Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Molly Offer-Westort University of Chicago (after postdoc at Stanford University)
Tiago Peterlevitz Yale University postdoc
Kyle Peyton Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, Australian Catholic University (after Yale Law School postdoc)
Lauren Pinson University of Pennsylvania, Perry World House postdoc
Christopher Price University of Wisconsin - Madison fellow
Naomi Scheinerman Harvard University fellow
Matthew Shafer University of Pennsylvania, Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy postdoctoral fellow
Alicia Steinmetz Stanford University postdoc
Louis Wasser Yale University lecturer and Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies postdoctoral associate
Baobao Zhang Syracuse University Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs (after postdoc at Cornell University, Society of Fellows)
Graedon Zorzi George Fox University

PhD award 2018-2019

Consuelo Amat Matus Johns Hopkins University (after Stanford University postdoc)
John Dearborn Yale University postdoc
Nikhar Gaikwad Columbia University
Amy Gais Washington University in St. Louis postdoc
Lisa Gilson Bates College (after postdoc at Harvard University)
Aaron Greenberg Deep Springs College instructor
Lynn Hancock Government of British Columbia and sessional instructor at the University of Victoria
Michael Kalin Government of Canada
William Nomikos Washington University in St. Louis
Hari Ramesh Wesleyan University (after college fellow at Harvard University)
Mara Revkin Duke University School of Law (after fellow at Georgetown University Law Center)
Anurag Sinha University of Minnesota (after college fellow at Harvard University)
Andres Vargas Castillo Colombia’s Special Jurisdiction for Peace - High Court
Elizabeth Wellman Princeton University, Mamdouha S. Bobst Center for Peace and Justice and Department of Politics postdoctoral research associate

PhD award 2017-2018

Vivekinan Ashok Cornell University postdoc
Kassandra Birchler University of Zurich postdoc
Natalia Bueno Emory University
Lucas Entel Yale University, Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies postdoc
Joshua Goodman Air War College (after visiting assistant professor at St. Lawrence University)
Yuke Li Yale University postdoc
Paul Linden-Retek New York University School of Law postdoc
Daniel Masterson University of California, Santa Barbara (after postdoc at Stanford University)
Patrick O’Brien Trinity College postdoc
Jerome Schafer LMU Munich

PhD award 2016-2017

Umur Basdas Koc University
Joshua Braver University of Wisconsin Law School (after fellow at Tufts University, Harvard University)
Suparna Chaudhry Christopher Newport University (after postdoctoral fellow at Dartmouth College, John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding)
Stefan Eich Georgetown University (after postdoc at Princeton University Society of Fellows)
German Feierherd Universidad de San Andres (after postdoc at Duke University and Yale University)
Anna Jurkevics University of British Columbia
Jiyoung Ko Bates College (after postdoctoral fellow at University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame International Security Center)
Gareth Nellis University of California, San Diego (after postdoc at University of California, Berkeley)
Pia Raffler Harvard University (after postdoctoral research associate at Princeton University, Center for the Study of Democratic Politics and Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance)
Steven Rosenzweig Boston University
Niloufer Siddiqui University at Albany, SUNY (postdoc then assistant professor)
Michael Weaver University of British Columbia (fellow, then assistant professor, after fellow at the University of Chicago)

PhD award 2015-2016

Lionel Beehner Modern War Institute at West Point
Julia Choucair Vizoso UC Berkeley Center for Middle East Studies
Blake Emerson UCLA School of Law (after Yale Law School JD, and research fellow at Administrative Conference of the United States)
Daniel Feder Beneson Strategy Group
Francesca Grandi Yale University postdoc
Alexandra Hartman University College London
Benjamin Jones Pennsylvania State University, Rock Ethics Institute Assistant Director
Boleslaw Kabala North Carolina State University Lecturer
Andrea Katz Washington University School of Law (after clerk at European Court of Human Rights and U.S. District Court of Massachusetts)
Judkins Mathews Penn State Law
Mary McGrath

Northwestern University (college fellow then assistant professor)

Rebecca Nielsen Texas A&M University, Bush School of Government & Public Service , PostDoc
Shmuel Nili Northwestern University
Erin Pineda Smith College (after postdoc at the University of Chicago)
Kevin Russell McKinsey & Company
Jason Stearns Simon Fraser University (after fellow at NYU)

PhD award 2014-2015

Kaeli Andersen Brigham Young University
Selim Erdem Aytac Koc University
Cameron Ballard-Rosa UNC-Chapel Hill
Robert Blair Brown University
Lara Chausow Congressional Research Service
Adam Dynes Brigham Young University
Adom Getachew University of Chicago (postdoc, then assistant professor)
Adi Greif Cloudburst Group and SRI International (after postdoc at Stanford University, Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law)
Corinna Jentzsch Leiden University
Jung Kim University of North Korean Studies
Malte Lierl German Institute of Global and Area Studies research fellow (after postdoc at Yale University)
Lucy Martin UNC-Chapel Hill
Luis Schiumerini University of Notre Dame (visiting fellow, then assistant professor, after postdoc at University of Oxford, Nuffield College)
Qiuqing Tai Boston Consulting Group
Dawn Teele University of Pennsylvania
Rory Truex Princeton University (instructor, then assistant professor)

PhD award 2013-2014

Peter Aronow Yale University (lecturer, then assistant professor)
Allison Carnegie Columbia University
Karina Cendon Boveda University of Oxford (after Max Weber Fellow at the European Union Institute)
Erica De Bruin Hamilton College
Divya Devasher University of New Hampshire (after lecturer at Yale University lecturer and postdoc at Princeton University)
Shawn Fraistat Yale University Lecturer
Matthew Longo University of Leiden (after University of Oxford, St. Anne’s College, Clayman Junior Research Fellow)
Meghan Lynch Temple University
Luke Mayville American University postdoc
Navid Mehrdad Higher School of Economics (after postdoc at Princeton University and Columbia University)
Shivaji Mukherjee University of Toronto
Celia Paris Loyla University Maryland
Angelika Schlanger Self-employed as Independent Research Analyst and Writer
Rachel Silbermann Analyst Institute (after Yale University postdoc and lecturer)
Kahreen Tebeau IMPAQ International
Kyohei Yamada International University of Japan

PhD award 2012-2013

Regina Bateson MIT
Teresa Bejan University of Toronto (after postdoc in the Society of Fellows in the Humanities, Columbia University)
Uday Chandra Georgetown School of Foreign Service-Qatar (after postdoc at Max Planck Institute)
Nathaniel Cogley Tarleton State University
Brian Fried Zinkerz (after postdoc at Yale University and fellow at Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Calvert Jones City College of New York (CUNY)
Paul Kenny Australia National University
David Lebow European University Institute postdoc (after Yale Law School JD)
Melissa Mason UNITE Here
Lani Rowe Independent Business and Technology Consultant
Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl University of Virginia
Brandon Terry Harvard University (junior prize fellow, then assistant professor)
Lucas Thompson National Republican Senatorial Committee
Peter Verovsek Sheffield University (after lecturer at Harvard University)

PhD award 2011-2012

Elizabeth Addonizio Morgan Stanley
Lihi Ben Shitrit University of Georgia School of International and Public Affairs
Edwin Camp Yale University postdoc
Valerie Frey OECD
Nancy Hite Tufts Fletcher School
Amelia Hoover Green Drexel University
Yi Kang Hong Kong Baptist University
Paul Lagunes Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs (after postdoc at Yale University)
Yang Lin RAND
Leonid Peisakhin NYU-Abu Dhabi (after postdoc at Juan March Institute)
Juan Rebolledo Government of Mexico (after postdoc at Yale University)
Ryan Sheely Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Joshua Simon King’s College London (after postdoc at New School for Social Research)
Paolo Spada Harvard Kennedy School of Government postdoc
Shuping Wang Barclays

PhD award 2010-2011

Ana Arjona Northwestern University (after postdoc at Columbia University)
Onur Bakiner Seattle University (after limited term assistant professor at Simon Fraser University)
Mario Leonardo Chacon Barrero NYU-Abu Dhabi
Karisa Cloward Southern Methodist University
Tiffany Davenport United States Naval Academy
Ryan Garcia Rochester Institute of Technology
Mei Guan Oliver Wyman
Min-young Han Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nihal Turkuler Isiksel Columbia University (after postdoc at European University Instiute)
Alexander Kirshner Duke University (after postdoc at NYU-Abu Dhabi)
Dominika Koter Colgate University (after postdoc at University of Chicago)
Joseph Lampert Northwestern University, Searle Center for Teaching Excellence
Xiaobo Lu Texas A&M, Bush School of Government and Public Service
Joel Middleton University of California - Berkeley (after Visiting Assistant Professor at NYU)
Juli Minoves-Triquell Liberal International
Robert Person United States Military Academy, West Point (after postdoc at Yale University)
Gemma Sala Grinnell College
Abbey Steele Syracuse University Maxwell School (after postdoc at Princeton University)

PhD award 2009-2010

Laia Balcells Duke University (after researcher and affiliated professor at Institut d’Analisi Economica-CSIC and Barcelona Graduate School of Economics)
Ilhan Demiryol Gaye Bahçeşehir University (lecturer, then assistant professor, after postdoc and lecturer at Yale University)
Stephen Kaplan George Washington University (after postdoc at Princeton University)
Brandon Kinne University of Texas at Dallas
David G.  Leslie Harvard University, Committee on Degrees in Social Studies
Christopher Mann University of Miami
Nigel Thalakada Government of Canada, Department of National Defence
Shatema Threadcraft Rutgers University (postdoc, then assistant professor)

PhD award 2008-2009

Sonali Chakravarti Wesleyan University (after postdoc at Trinity College)
Kushanava Choudhury Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/ACLS Early Career Fellowship
Stephen Engel Marquette University
Josip Glaurdic University of Cambridge Junior Research Fellow
Matthew Hall Saint Louis University
Michael Helfand Pepperdine University School of Law
Nicole Kazee University of Illinois at Chicago
LaiYee Leong Southern Methodist University
Tarek Masoud Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Harris Mylonas George Washington University (after postdoc at Harvard University)
Nasos Roussias Sheffield University (after postdoc at the Center for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, CEACS, Juan March Foundation)
Debra L. Shulman College of William and Mary
Steven Shewfelt Joint Warfare Analysis Center
Shiru Wang University of Hong Kong postdoc
Chuanjie Zhang Tsinghua University

PhD award 2007-2008

Julia Azari Marquette University
Angelica Bernal University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Mayling Birney LSE (after postdoc at Princeton University)
Stuart Chinn University of Oregon School of Law (after visiting assistant professor at University of Texas School of Law)
Michelle Clarke Dartmouth College
Rafaela Dancygier Princeton University (instructor, then assistant professor)
Nandini Deo Lehigh University
Daniela Donno University of Pittsburgh
Takeshi Ito Colorado College
Stephen Kosack London School of Economics (after visiting fellow at Brown University, Watson Institute for International Studies)
Timothy Parichat

New School

Elizabeth Saunders George Washington University (after postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University, Olin Institute for Strategic Studies)
Jennifer Tobin Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy (after fellow at University of Oxford and Brookings Institution)
Andrew Volmert Brown University postdoc
Justin Zaremby Law Clerk to the Hon. Jose A. Cabranes of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (after Yale Law School J.D.)

PhD award 2006-2007

Sonu Bedi Dartmouth College
Zhiming Chen Universite de Montreal (invited professor, then assistant professor)
Daniel Galvin Northwestern University (college fellow, then assistant professor)
Lilach Gilady University of Toronto
Matthew Glassman Congressional Research Service
Chinyelu Lee self-employed as independent contractor/volunteer
Jaime Lluch European University Institute postdoc
Joanna Mosser Drake University
Anton Orlich McKinsey & Company
Thomas Pepinsky University of Colorado - Boulder
Danilo Petranovich Yale University lecturer
Melvin Rogers University of Virginia (after scholar-in-residence at Carleton College)
Jennifer Smith University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Aleksandra Sznajder Lee University of Richmond (after postdoc at Columbia University)
Vineeta Yadav University of Notre Dame (after postdoc at Princeton University)

PhD award 2005-2006

Nancy Brune Harvard School of Public Health, International Health Systems Group
David Engstrom Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel
Helen Erler Kenyon College
Robin Hayes Santa Clara University (after Visiting Scholar at Northwestern University)
Matthew Light University of Toronto (after visiting assistant professor at University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Jun Saito Franklin and Marshall College (after visiting assistant professor at Wesleyan University)
Rachel Milstein Sondheimer United States Military Academy, West Point
Dorian Warren Columbia University (after postdoc and visiting faculty at the University of Chicago)
David Yoon McKinsey & Company
Annalisa Zinn Quinnipiac University

PhD award 2004-2005

Alissa Ardito Duke University (visiting professor, post-doctoral fellow)
Sarah Dix Harvard University lecturer
Andra Gillespie Emory University
Matthew Green Catholic University of America (after lecturer at Yale University)
Alexandra Guisinger University of Notre Dame
Alethia Jones University at Albany, SUNY
Nomi Lazar University of Chicago
Naomi Murakawa University of Washington
David Nickerson University of Notre Dame
Amy Rasmussen California State University Long Beach
Rachel Seher DePaul University
Yumin Sheng Wayne State University
Douglas Woodwell University of Indianapolis

PhD award 2003-2004

Elizabeth Cohen Syracuse University Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
Raluca Eddon United Nations
Ethan Leib University of California - Hastings College of the Law (after clerk for the Honorable John M. Walker, Jr., Chief Judge, United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit, and litigation associate at Debevoise & Plimpton)
Willem Maas York University (after postdoc at New York University)
Thomas Miley Yale University lecturer
John Phillips California State University
Sarah Song MIT
Yi Zhao Macalester College Freeman Postdoctoral Fellow

PhD award 2002-2003

Jessica Allina Colgate University
Casiano Hacker-Cordon University of Connecticut (postdoctoral lecturer)
Mary Cooper Ohio State University (after postdoc at Stanford University)
Jamie Morin US Senate Budget Committee
Patricia Nordeen University of Chicago, Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts, Harper-Schmidt fellow
Jason Sorens University at Buffalo, State University of New York (after lecturer at New School University and Yale University)
Andrew Stigler United States Naval War College (after Visiting Assistant Professor at Dartmouth College)
Dara Strolovitch University of Minnesota

PhD award 2001-2002

Wenhao Cheng Tsinghua University (after postdoc at Harvard University Kennedy School of Government)
Gregory Forster Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
Jeffrey Friedman Barnard College
Nathan Jensen Washington University in St. Louis
Janet Laible Lehigh University
Colleen Shogan George Mason University
Beth Ilene Weinberger Yale University Research Associate
Meredith Weiss DePaul University (after lecturer at Yale University)
Janelle Wong University of Southern California

PhD award 2000-2001

Deborah Brooks Dartmouth College (after Senior Research Director at The Gallup Organization)
Stephen Brooks Dartmouth College
Jacob Hacker Yale University (after Junior Fellow at the Society of Fellows, Harvard University)
Eileen Hunt University of Notre Dame
Jaechun Kim Yale University, Department of Political Science and Center for International and Area Studies lecturer
Robin Theurkauf Yale Divinity School M.Div. Studies
Steven Wulf Lawrence University