Undergraduate Advisory Committee

Each year, the Political Science Department has an Undergraduate Advisory Committee (UAC), which advises the DUS and the faculty of the Department about all aspects of the undergraduate curriculum.

The UAC also serves as a valuable resource for our undergraduate majors and prospective majors. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for the Committee, please do not hesitate to contact them.

The members of the UAC for the 2021-2022 academic year are:



Steven Dykstra Benjamin Franklin
Atia Ahmed Berkeley College
Michael Chen Branford College
Mary Chen Branford College
Theo Haaks Branford College
Isabella Marin Quintero Branford College
William Garcia Davenport College
Julian Melendi Davenport College
Daniela Mulet Davenport College
Paulina Pimentel-Mora Ezra Stiles College
Justin Yamamura Grace Hopper College
Ethan Yan Grace Hopper College
Caroline Thomason Morse College
Kevin Xiao  Pauli Murray College
Charlie Mayock-Bradley Pierson College
Andrew Weitzman Pierson College
Tyler Jager  Silliman College
Calvin Chai-Onn Timothy Dwight College