
Hilary Matfess
Yale University PhD student, Ms. Hilary Matfess, has been awarded a Peace Scholar Dissertation Fellowship from the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP). Yale University PhD student...
Professor Gregory Huber
Daniel J. Hopkins has an piece in the Washington Post Monkey Cage  “Should Biden and Trump focus more on persuading swing voters — or mobilizing the base?“  The article...
Professor Greg Huber
Professor Gregory Huber in an interviewed with Michael Cummings in the Yale News. “Spike in Mail-In Voting, Health Concerns Portend a Messy Election Day.” Abstract:  “The...
Assistant Professor Daniel C. Mattingly
Assistant Professor Daniel Mattingly’s book The Art of Political Control in China is reviewed in the New York Review of Books this month. Abstract: “When and why do...
Professor Helene Landemore
Professor Helene Landemore will be a featured speaker in a three day Symposium at Boston University’s Pardee Center. “How Democracy Survives: The Crises of the Nation...
Professor Bryan Garsten
Professor Bryan Garsten, along with  Jennifer Hochschild, Diane Rubenstein, Jeffrey K. Tulis, Nicole Mellow, has authored a paper entitled “The Inheritance of Loss: Symposium...
Professor James C. Scott
Professor James C. Scott was interviewed on Slate Magazine Online’s Interrogation section in a piece entitled “What’s So Bad About Anarchy, Anyway?” In the article,...