
Professor Steven Smith
Professor Steven Smith has a new essay on The Constitutionalist Website entitled “Biden Needs a Sister Souljah Moment.” Abstract: “On the evening that Joe Biden claimed his...
Professor Gregory Huber and Graduate Student Jennifer Wu
Professor Gregory Huber and Graduate Student Jennifer Wu have an article in the online journal Social Science Quarterly entitled “Partisan Differences in Social Distancing...
Matthew Denney
Graduate student Matthew Denney has published an article in Cambridge University Press Studies in American Political Development Journal entitled ““To Wage a War”: Crime,...
Professor Kenneth Scheve
Professor Kenneth Scheve has been appointed Dean Acheson Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs. “Kenneth Scheve, the newly appointed Dean Acheson Professor of...
Da'Von Boyd
Graduate Student Da’Von Boyd has been chosen as the recipient of the 2021 Alex Willingham Best Political Theory Paper Award.   Taking an approach that attends both the...
Frances Rosenbluth
Damon Wells Professor of Political Science Frances Rosenbluth has a new article in the Sage Journal Political Research Quarterly with  Rieko Kage, University of Tokyo, Japan...
Professor Steven Smith
Professor Steven B. Smith was interviewed by Jay Nordlinger for his Q&A podcast on Ricochet Media.   From the interview… “Steven B. Smith is a political scientist,...