Professor Elisabeth Wood has an article in the journal of Political Science and Politics entitled “Implications of Wedeen’s Ambiguities of Domination for the Analysis of...
Senior Lecturer in Political Science Bonnie Weir has an article on the Irish Central website entitled “Frankie Quinn: from revolutionary to Irish poet.”
Former Yale Political Science graduate students Rafaela Dancygier, Tarek Masoud, Tom Pepinsky and Dawn Teele posted a dedication to Professor Frances Rosenbluth in the...
Paris Aslanidis, lecturer in Political Science, has an article in the International Political Science Review entitled “Coalition-making under conditions of ideological...
“White evangelical Christians have resisted getting vaccinated against COVID-19 at higher rates than other religious groups in the United States. A new study by Yale...
Professor Gregory Huber and graduate Lilla Orr have an article in Public Opinion Quarterly entitled “Measuring Misperceptions: Limits of Party-Specific Stereotype Reports.”...