
U.S. Capital Building
Beginning this semester, the ISPS — an organization that conducts research on the intersection of politics, policy and social science — will provide 16 undergraduates with...
John DeStefano
Former New Haven Mayor John DeStefano to have dual role as Banker and Yale Professor this year.  He will be teaching a course in Political Science titled New Haven and the...
David Mayhew
David Mayhew’s newest guest post on the Mischief of Factions web blog went up yesterday.  “Is The Six Year Itch Just A Senate Thing?” discusses the effects midterm...
Vesla Weaver
Vesla Weaver and Jason Stanley have published a piece in the New York Times Opinionator on January 12, 2014. “Is The United States a Racial Democracy?”
David Mayew
POLITICO Magazine recently published an article by Yale University Department of Political Science Professor David Mayhew entitled “The Least Productive Congress in History...
Partha Chatterjee
The International Conference for the Study of Political Thought and the Yale Political Theory Workshop invite you to Revisiting Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A...
William J. Foltz, H.J. Heinz Professor Emeritus in African Studies & Political Science
A memorial service will be held for Professor William Foltz on Saturday, November 9, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. in Dwight Chapel on the campus of Yale University.  All are welcome to...