
Kenneth Scheve
Dean Acheson Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs and Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean of Social Science Kenneth Scheve has a new article in the American...
Gregory Collins
The Buckley Institute is pleased to announce that the winner of the 2024 Lux et Veritas Faculty Prize is Dr. Gregory Collins, lecturer in the Department of Political Science...
Bryan Garsten
Professor of Political Science and Humanities Bryan Garsten has a new article in the Journal of Democracy entitled “The Liberalism of Refuge”, part of the symposium...
Charles McClean
Assistant Professor of Political Science Charles McClean has a new article in the  journal Political Behavior entitled  “Too Young to Run? Voter Evaluations of the Age of...
Changwook Ju
Graduate student Changwook Ju has an article in International Studies Quarterly entitled “Under No Circumstances? What the Chinese Really Think about the Wartime Use of...
Joshua Kalla
Associate Professor Joshua Kalla has an article in the journal American Politics Research entitled “Candidate Ideology and Vote Choice in the 2020 US Presidential Election.”...
Ian Shapiro
Sterling Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs Ian Shapiro has a new publication with Yale University Press entitled “Uncommon Sense.” Abstract: A spirited...