
Jack Greenberg
Ph.D. candidate Jack Greenberg has been selected as a 2023-2024 Bach Fellow. This fellowship honors the life and work of Stanley I. Bach, who earned a Ph.D. from Yale and...
Shiro Kuriwaki
Assistant Professor Shiro Kuriwaki has a new article in American Political Science Review entitled The Geography of Racially Polarized Voting: Calibrating Surveys at the...
Allison Harris
Assistant Professor Allison Harris has a new article in American Political Science Review entitled “Can Racial Diversity among Judges Affect Sentencing Outcomes?” Abstract:...
Didac Queralt
Assistant Professor Didac Queralt has been awarded the APSA Political Economy section 2023 Riker Best Book Award for his book Pawned States: State Building in the Era of...
Kate Baldwin and Isabela Mares
Associate Professor Kate Baldwin and Professor Isabela Mares have a new article in Political Science Research and Methods entitled “Risk and Demand for Social Protection in...
Ana Arjona
The American Political Science Association (APSA) is delighted to announce that Ana Arjona, Associate Professor, Northwestern University and Wendy Pearlman, Professor,...
Isabelle Laurenzi of Yale University’s Department of Political Science has been awarded a Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for 2023 for her dissertation...