Peter Strauss Family Associate Professor Kate Baldwin has a new article in the journal World Development entitled “How political insiders lose out when international aid...
Peter Strauss Family Associate Professor Kate Baldwin was interviewed by VoxDev in a podcast entitled “Evidence from a participatory development experiment in Ghana shows...
Arnold Wolfers Professor Isabela Mares has been awarded the 2023 APSA European Politics and Societies best book award for her book Protecting the Ballot: How First Wave...
Gregory Huber, Forst Family Professor of Political Science, Director of the ISPS Behavioral Research Lab and the Chair of the Department of Political Science, has a new...
Ph.D. candidate Jack Greenberg has been selected as a 2023-2024 Bach Fellow.
This fellowship honors the life and work of Stanley I. Bach, who earned a Ph.D. from Yale and...
Assistant Professor Shiro Kuriwaki has a new article in American Political Science Review entitled The Geography of Racially Polarized Voting: Calibrating Surveys at the...