
Alex Coppock
Assistant Professor Alexander Coppock, has published a new book entitled Research Design in the Social Sciences: Declaration, Diagnosis, and Redesign with Graeme Blair and...
Didac Queralt
Assistant Professor Didac Queralt has won his fourth award for his book Pawned States: State Building in the Era of International Finance (Princeton University Press, 2022)....
Nicholas Sambanis
Nicholas Sambanis, whose field-defining work has re-shaped how scholars conceive of inter-group conflicts, ranging from everyday forms of discrimination to violent protests...
Melis Laebens
PhD Program graduate Melis Laebens of the Central European University has a new paper published through the V-Dem Institute at the University of Gothenberg entitled “Beyond...
Kate Baldwin
Associate Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs Kate Baldwin has an article in the Journal of Democracy entitled “Democracy’s Devout Defenders.” Abstract: This...
Bruce Russett
Professor Emeritus of Political Science Bruce Russett has passed away. Bruce Russett, Ph.D. Yale University, 1961, was Dean Acheson Research Professor of International...
Seyla Benhabib
Eugene Meyer Professor of Political Science and Philosophy Emerita Seyla Benhabib has been awarded the 2023 Albert Hirschman Fellowship by the Institute for Human Sciences...