Courses & Workshops
Every year the Department offers a range of courses across the subfields of Political Science. Additionally, the Department hosts regular workshops, in which outside and internal speakers present their work, in many subfields.
This single document is a list of courses, by subfield, usually offered in the department.
Please note: Yale Course Search provides the official list of courses, including class times and locations offered by academic year.
After their second year in the program, graduate students in residence are required to register for and attend one of the regular research workshops offered in the department. Students in all years are encouraged to attend one or more workshops related to their research. Links to workshop schedules appear below (Students should also sign up for workshop email lists, where applicable).
- American Politics & Public Policy Workshop
- The MacMillan Comparative Politics Workshop
- MacMillan International Relations Seminar Series
- The Leitner Political Economy Seminar
- Political Violence and It Legacies Workshop
- The Political Theory Workshop
- MacMillan-CSAP Workshop on Quantitative Research Methods
This is the list of workshops for which students may sign up to meet the department workshop requirement. Students are welcome, and encouraged, to attend the numerous other workshops on campus that relate to their research. These include:
- The Program in Agrarian Studies Colloquium
- The Religion and Politics Colloquium
- Council on Southeast Studies Brown Bag Seminar Series