July 2021 News

Nicholas Lotito
Nicholas Lotito, Lecturer in Political Science, has published an analysis with the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog, on the situation in Tunisia entitled “Tunisia’s...
Professor Joseph LaPalombara
Professor Joseph LaPalombara has been awarded one of this year’s William C. Clyde DeVane Medals, presented by Yale University’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. The...
Professor Kenneth Scheve
Dean Acheson Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs Kenneth Scheve has an article in International Studies Quarterly entitled “Economic Decline, Social Identity,...
Professor Kenneth Scheve
Dean Acheson Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs Kenneth Scheve has an article in the Political Science Research and Methods journal entitled “City Limits to...
Professor Kenneth Scheve
Dean Acheson Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs Kenneth Scheve has a new article with former graduate student and current Associate Professor of Political...
Professor Isabela Mares
Isabela Mares has been awarded the best book award of the European Politics section of the American Political Science Association for Conditionality and Coercion (co-authored...
Assistant Professor Dan Mattingly
Assistant Professor Dan Mattingly’s book “The Art of Political Control in China” won the Best Book Award from the APSA Democracy and Autocracy Section,  an Organized...