Bruce Russett
115 Prospect Street, Rosenkranz Hall, Room 101
1(203) 432-5233
Bruce Russett, Ph.D. Yale University, 1961, is Dean Acheson Research Professor of International Relations and Political Science at Yale. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has honorary doctorates from Uppsala University (2002) and Williams College (2011). He held visiting appointments at Columbia, Michigan, North Carolina, Harvard, the Free University of Brussels, the Richardson Institute in London, the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, the University of Tel Aviv, and Tokyo University Law School.
He edited the Journal of Conflict Resolution from 1973 to 2009, and with Paul Kennedy staffed the Ford Foundation 1995 report, The United Nations in Its Second Half-Century.
He is past president of the International Studies Association, and with John Oneal, their book, Triangulating Peace: Democracy, Interdependence, and International Organizations received its Best Book of the Decade 2000-2009). Also past president of the Peace Science Society, in 2009 received its quadrennial Founder’s Medal for “significant and distinguished life-long scientific contributions to peace science.”
Of his 27 books, others include Grasping the Democratic Peace (1993); The Once and Future Security Council (1997); (2001) and Hegemony and Democracy (2011). Harvey Starr, ed., Bruce M. Russett: Pioneer in the Scientific and Normative Study of War, Peace, and Policy (2015) gives a much longer biography.