Paul Bracken

Paul Bracken's picture
Professor Emeritus of Management and Political Science


Professor Bracken is a leading expert in global competition and the strategic application of technology in business and defense. His research and teaching focus on helping senior management deal with changing business environments and intense uncertainty.

Bracken is consistently rated as one of the top executive education teachers in the world, bringing together practical as well as academic perspectives. He is a consultant to private equity funds, accounting, and insurance companies as well as several arms of the U.S. Government.

Professor Bracken designed the new Yale MBA core course on Problem Framing, which has received global recognition and has been copied at other universities. The course focuses on the higher thinking skills used by leading multinational corporations, government departments, the military, consulting, and finance companies. Unique features of Problem Framing include the scenario design studio, red teaming, and alternative futures techniques.

Bracken also teaches Managing Global Organizations, which examines the multinational corporation’s strategy; and Strategy, Technology, and War, a signature Yale course drawing nearly 300 students from Yale College, the professional schools, and virtually all parts of the university.

Professor Bracken often leads business war games for companies facing complex new problems. He has led games on the future of European asset management, U.S. financial services re-regulation, and strategies of technological competition with China. He also leads one-day in-house corporate think tanks for in-depth analysis of particular challenges.

A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, he serves on the Chief of Naval Operations Executive Panel, and co-chairs the Board of Advisors of the U.S. Naval War College and the Naval Postgraduate School.

Before joining the Yale faculty, Professor Bracken was on the senior staff of the Hudson Institute for ten years, where he led the management consulting arm of the Institute. Bracken grew up in Philadelphia, and he enjoys golf and ham radio.


Edward P. Evans Hall, 165 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT 06511-3729
1(203) 432-5962


  • BS, Columbia University, 1971
  • PhD, Yale University, 1982





  • International Security
  • Technology, Arms Control, and World Order
  • Political Economy of Multinational Corporations

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