April 2022 News

David Simon
Senior Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies David Simon has an article in the journal Just Security entitled “To Support Accountability for Atrocities, Fix U.S. Law...
Assistant Professor Ian Turner
Assistant Professor Ian Turner has an article in the Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy entitled “Reviewing Procedure versus Judging Substance: How...
Assistant Professor Ian Turner
Assistant Professor Ian Turner has an article in American Political Science Review entitled “Motivated Reasoning and Democratic Accountability” . Abstract: Does motivated...
Assistant Professor Sarah Khan
Assistant Professor Sarah Khan has an article on The Guardian website entitled  “Where did it all go wrong for Imran Khan?” Abstract: After more than three years in office...
Professor Milan Svolik
Professor Milan Svolik is one of two Yale Faculty awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for 2022. Milan Svolik is a professor in the Department of Political Science. In his...
Joshua Kalla
Assistant Professor Joshua Kalla has a new article in the journal American Political Science Review entitled “Voter Outreach Campaigns Can Reduce Affective Polarization among...
Alexander Coppock
Assistant Professor Alexander Coppock has a new article in the journal Research and Politics entitled “Does digital advertising affect vote choice? Evidence from a randomized...