April 2021 News

Weidemann and Goldstein
Graduate students Johannes Wiedemann and Daniel Goldstein have an article at Perspectives on Politics entitled “Who Do You Trust? The Consequences of Partisanship and Trust...
Prof. Keith E. Whittington
Keith E. Whittington, 1995 Yale University Political Science graduate with distinction, has been named to the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United...
Professor Isabela Mares
Professor Isabela Mares has been awarded a 2021 Fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Her research project Democratization after Democratization...
Assistant Professor Christina Kinane
Assistant Professor Christina Kinane has a new article in the American Political Science Review entitled “Control without Confirmation: The Politics of Vacancies in...
Professor John Roemer
Elizabeth S. and A. Varick Stout Professor of Political Science and Economics John Roemer was interviewed  by the editors of the Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics...