David Cerero Guerra
Graduate School Student
David investigates how armed actors in Latin America govern communities and how their interactions with the state shape violent and non-violent equilibriums. His dissertation integrates quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze how criminal actors governing urban communities interact with state service providers in the areas they control and how those interactions shape the distribution of public services. He is currently a visiting researcher at Central European University and a Fulbright Scholar sponsored by the Colombian government. Previously, he was a Fox International Fellow at El Colegio de México in Mexico City.
David has extensive experience in policy-relevant research and analysis. He worked as a Research Associate for Innovations for Poverty Action on a project examining the governance strategies of gangs in low-income neighborhoods in Colombia. He also served as a Research Analyst on governance, crime, and ex-combatant reintegration projects. Additionally, he was a Data Adviser at Colombia’s National Planning Department and a Research Assistant for a World Bank and Harvard University project focused on development challenges in low- and middle-income countries.
- 115 Prospect Street, Rosenkranz Hall
- david.cerero@yale.edu
- M.Phil. in Political Science, Yale University
- M.Sc. in Economics, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia
- BA in Economics, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia
Working Papers:
- Cerero-Guerra, D. Why Do Criminals Decide to Shape Public Service Provision.
- Cerero-Guerra, D. Testing the Waters: How Street-level Bureaucrats Respond to Criminal Actors in Mexico City.
- Cerero-Guerra, D. Crop Prices and Violence: The Crop Substitution Effect in the Presence of Illegal Markets.
- Cerero-Guerra, D. Oil and Violence: A Natural Experiment on the Extensive Margin in Colombia.
- Blattman, C., Cerero-Guerra, D., Mesa, J. & Tobón, S. Measuring the Measurement Error: Experimental Analysis of Extortion in Medellín.
- Blattman, C., Cerero-Guerra, D., Duncan, G., Hernandez, S., Lessing, B., Martínez, J. F., Mesa-Mejía, J. P., Montoya, H., & Tobon, S. (2022). Crimen y Covid-19: Cómo los combos de Medellín respondieron a la pandemia. En Cortés, D., Villamizar Villegas, M., & Posso Christian, C. M. Covid-19: consecuencias y desafíos en la economía colombiana. Una mirada desde las universidades. Universidad del Rosario. https://doi.org/10.12804/urosario9789587848496
- Blattman, C., Cerero-Guerra, D., Duncan, G., Hernandez, S., Lessing, B., Martínez, J. F., Mesa-Mejía, J. P., Montoya, H., & Tobon, S. (2020). Crime in the time of covid-19: How Colombian gangs responded to the pandemic. Economic Development & Institutions COVID 19 Essay Series. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.22755.99368
- Cerero-Guerra, D. (2014). Evaluación de Impacto de la Infraestructura recreativa y cultural en los niveles de crimen locales [Impact Evaluation of the Recreative and Cultural Infrastructure on the Local Crime Levels]. Master’s degree Thesis. Universidad de los Andes.
- Fields: Political Economy and comparative politics
- Topics: Criminal politics and armed governance
Fields of Interest:
Comparative Politics