Andrea Aldrich

Andrea Aldrich's picture
Lecturer, Director of Undergraduate Studies


My research interests are focused on political representation, gender, and comparative political institutions. My work examines the relationship between internal political party dynamics and legislative representation. I am particularly interested in investigating the influence of internal party organization on gender equality in elections and my research has recently been published in The Journal of Politics , Party Politics,  and Politics & Gender. I have a forthcoming Cambridge Elements book, Glass Ceilings, Glass Cliffs, and Quicksands: Gendered Party Leadership in Parliamentary Systems, and another book manuscript under review on gender quotas and political careers. I currently teach Women and Politics courses and Comparative Electoral and Party Systems. I am also the treasurer of the Midwest Political Science Association Women’s Caucus and a member of the Political Parties Database Project (PPDB). Before arriving at Yale, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Houston with the PPDB under the direction of Dr. Susan Scarrow, a visiting scholar at Texas A&M University, and Fulbright Scholar at the University of Zagreb in Croatia.



115 Prospect Street, Rosenkranz Hall, Room 434


  • Ph.D.: University of Pittsburgh, 2015
  • B.A.: University of Minnesota, 2005

Areas of Interest

  • Gender and Politics
  • Party Politics
  • Representation
  • Comparative Institutions 
  • European politics

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