a. Complete the “Individual Reading for Majors” form on our website (http://politicalscience.yale.edu/undergraduate-forms) and attach a prospectus that describes the nature of the program and the readings to be covered.
b. Ask your adviser to review these documents and sign your form.
c. Click here (http://politicalscience.yale.edu/academics/undergraduate-program/deadlines) to see when this paperwork is due. Please know that you must submit hard copies to the Undergraduate Registrar (Rosenkranz Hall, Room 130). You will be informed via email if the DUS signed your form. Your form will be filed here, so you do not need to pick it up.
d. Enroll in this class (PLSC 471 for the fall, PLSC 472 for the spring) on OCS.
IMPORTANT – NEW: These courses now have electronic permission keys on them on OCS (which you will see in red). In order to obtain a permission key, the DUS needs to approve your form. This explains why the paperwork is due a few days before schedules are due. Once this form has been approved, you will receive a green permission key online. You will not be able to seal your schedule without this green key.
e. The DUS recommends that students who are doing independent courses like this one make a point of partnering with their adviser to create: 1) a schedule of meetings to discuss your progress, and 2) a series of deadlines for submitting outlines and drafts throughout the course of the semester.
f. At the end of the semester, the Undergraduate Registrar will ask your adviser to submit your grade to him or her (undergrad.polisci@yale.edu). The Undergraduate Registrar will then submit your grade online.