Event time:
Thursday, September 21, 2023 - 12:00pm
Zoom Session
Event description:
Yale Cybersecurity Awareness presents Yale’s Information Security Office:
“Anatomy of a Phish: How cybercriminals trick the Yale community.”
In this interactive presentation, teams from across the Information Security Office (ISO) will show us how online thieves try to trick us including:
- Why cybercriminals want to access Yale resources.
- Examples of phishing scams we’ve seen at Yale (so you can be on the lookout)
- How cybercriminals manipulate our emotions and behavior (it’s not just one thing!)
- The role of Multifactor Authentication (MFA) in attacks and what to look out for
- Common red flags for recognizing phishing attempts
Register in TMS (VPN required)
Free but register in advance
Open to:
Yale Community Only