Courses taken outside of Yale must be intellectually challenging. You must be able to demonstrate this with grades, work from the course including tests and papers, and a detailed syllabus. Courses that required not much more reading than chapters from a single textbook do not qualify. Please follow the steps below to apply for credit toward the major.
a. Courses must by on your transcript before you can petition for them to count toward your major requirements. (Please know that the DUS cannot approve these courses in advance.)
b. In order to get these courses posted on your transcript, please get the necessary form from your dean. Then, submit it to the DUS Assistant (Rosenkranz Hall, Room 130). Along with this form, students are asked to submit a syllabus, reading list, and a complete sample of work for each course. The DUS will review your materials and the DUS Assistant will email you when your form is ready to be picked up.
c. Once these courses are on your transcript, please complete the “Credit for Non-Yale Courses” form found at the following link:
d. Submit a hard-copy of this form and all of the accompanying materials required (see the top of the form) to the DUS Assistant (Rosenkranz Hall, Room 130).
e. He or she will ask the DUS to review your petition and will email you regarding his or her decision.
f. If the DUS approves your petition, these courses then count toward your major requirements (excluding your seminar requirement).
g. One of the addendums that you are asked to submit along with your petition is a copy of your transcript for these courses. If your grades for these courses are listed on this transcript, then we will adopt the same grades.