Yale University, Respublica and the European Climate Foundation: “Toward Citizen-Legislators? The Case of the French Citizen’ Convention for Climate (2019-21)” Day 3.

Event time: 
Friday, May 21, 2021 - 6:00am
Zoom Session See map
Event description: 

Yale University, Respublica and the European Climate Foundation present a three day symposium: 

“Toward Citizen-Legislators?  The Case of the French Citizen’ Convention for Climate (2019-21).”

See the full schedule and register online at https://campuspress.yale.edu/citizenlegislators.

Third Session

International Comparisons and Perspectives

  • Chair: Graham Smith (Westminster University)
  • Moderation: Sophie Guillain, Executive director, Partner of Res publica


  • Audrey Tang: Intervention on vTaiwan
  • David Farell: intervention on the Irish and Scottish citizen assemblies
  • Jane Suiter: on the Irish citizen assemblies
  • Bjørn Bested: intervention on the Danish citizen assembly
  • Claire Mellier-Wilson: intervention on the British citizen assembly and the Global Climate Assembly
  • Pratap Bhanu Mehta: intervention on the general principle of citizen-legislators

Panel of Citizens:

  • Alexia (citizen, member of the CCC)
  • Agnès Catoire (citizen, member of the CCC)
  • Pascal Beulk (citizen, member of the CCC)
  • Jean-Michel Deninis (citizen, member of the CCC)


  • 12pm CET / 6am ET: Introduction to the third session (5 minutes)
  • 12:15pm CET / 6:15am ET: keynote address by Audrey Tang: What role can citizen assemblies play in a process such as vTaiwan? (10 minutes)
  • 12:25pm CET / 6:25am ET: introduction to different citizen assemblies (Denmark, Scotland, Ireland, the U.K., and France) – each presentation is followed by 10 minutes of Q&A (5 x 20 minutes)
  • 2:05pm CET / 8:05am ET: General Debate – In light of these experiences, what are the main takeaways to remember in order to organize an ideal citizen assembly? (55 minutes)
  • 3pm CET / 9:00 am ET: General Debate – What are the 5 main conditions for a citizen assembly to be successful? (35 minutes)
  • 3:35pm CET / 9:35 am ET: Conclusion of the third session – Graham Smith (10 minutes)
  • 3:45pm CET / 9:45 am ET: Conclusion of the Conference – Hélène Landemore and Gilles-Laurent Rayssac
  • 4pm CET / 10:00 am ET: End of the Conference
Free but register in advance
Open to: 
General Public