Event time:
Friday, March 29, 2024 - 3:30pm
Department of Anthropology Building, Room 105
10 Sachem Street
New Haven, CT
Event description:
Yale Qualitative Social Sciences Initiative presents
Todd Holmes, Oral History Center, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley:
“Conducting Oral History.”
What to do Before, During, and After an Oral History Interview
This workshop features Todd Holmes (Yale PhD, History, 2013), an experienced oral historian, who will offer participants a mix of technical and pragmatic advice about how to plan for, conduct, and manage the results of formal recorded interviews. Topics to be touched on will include:
- Choosing and using the right equipment
- Planning for and setting up interviews
- Interacting with interviewees, before, during and after interviews
- Managing, archiving, and working with interview recordings
- using your interviews in multimedia formats (exhibits, podcasts, documentaries, etc.)
Open to:
Yale Community Only