Yale Peabody Museum and the Yale Institute of Biospheric Studies: “Connecting Environment and Economy.”

Event time: 
Wednesday, November 15, 2023 - 5:00pm
Yale Science Building, O.C. Marsh Lecture Hall See map
260 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06520
Event description: 

The Yale Peabody Museum and the Yale Institute of Biospheric Studies Edward P. Bass Distinguished Lecture presents Eli Fenichel, Knobloch Family Professor of Natural Resource Economics, Yale University: 

“Connecting Environment and Economy.”

Yale professor Eli Fenichel discusses where, why, and how the environment is emerging as a primary driver of economic policy decisions both domestically and internationally. New initiatives like the U.S. Natural Capital Accounts and Environmental Economic Statistics program and novel approaches to benefit-cost analysis represent governmental efforts to formally link the environment and ecosystems with the economy. Fenichel places these in a global context by connecting them to related international efforts, such as the G7 and Global Biodiversity Framework.

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Free but register in advance
Open to: 
Yale Community Only