Event time:
Tuesday, January 16, 2024 - 6:00pm
Watson Center, Room A53
60 Sachem Street
New Haven, CT
Event description:
6:00 p.m., 60 Sachem Street, Watson Center, Room A53
The Yale Graduate Consulting Club presents the Yale Graduate Consulting Club 2024 Grand Kickoff with Sam Samdani, McKinsey.
Are you considering consulting as a potential career path but do not know where to start? Are you preparing to apply and interview for the upcoming recruiting cycle? Are you actively looking for more hands-on experience in consulting? Are you in search of a community to help you stay motivated during the job search process?
It will be an opportunity for you to gain insights into consulting, learn about our spring schedule for events and workshops, and share your expectations for both the content and format of our program offerings.
Open to:
Yale Community Only