World Fellows Program: “Inside the Deal: How the EU Got Brexit Done”

Event time: 
Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 12:00pm
Henry R. Luce Hall. Room 202 See map
34 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven, CT 06520
Event description: 

The World Fellows Program presents Stefaan De Rynck, 2006 Yale World Fellow and aide to Michel Barnier: 

“Inside the Deal: How the EU Got Brexit Done.”

As a close aide to Michel Barnier, Stefaan De Rynck (2006 Yale World Fellow) had a front row seat in the Brexit negotiations. In his book “Inside the Deal: How the EU Got Brexit Done”, De Rynck tells the EU’s side of the story and seeks to dispel some of the myths and spin that have become indelibly linked to the Brexit process. The conversation will be moderated by Jackson School Senior Lecturer Marnix Amand.

Co-sponsored by the Yale World Fellows Program and the MacMillan Center Council on European Studies.

Lunch will be provided. Please register in advance.

Free but register in advance
Open to: 
General Public