Event time:
Thursday, April 27, 2023 - 4:00pm
Henry R. Luce Hall, Room 101 (Auditorium)
34 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven, CT
Event description:
Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies presents
Barbora Bartunkova, Ph.D. Candidate, Yale University:
“Visions of Ecology on Art and the Environment in Eastern Europe and Eurasia: Cinema and the Environment in Eastern Europe.”
“Post-Apocalyptic Ecologies: The End of August at the Hotel Ozone (1966) and the Czechoslovak New Wave”
Masha Shpolberg (Assistant Professor, Bard College)
“Chernobyl and the Crafting of a Soviet Nuclear Imaginary”
Katie Trumpener (Professor, Yale University)
“Dead Landscape, Deserted Village: Filming East German Ecology Before and After 1989”
Reception to follow.
Open to:
General Public