Jackson School of Global Affairs Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy: “The Rivalry Peril”

Event time: 
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 - 4:30pm
Humanities Quadrangle, Room 136 See map
320 York Street
New Haven, CT 06520
Event description: 

The Jackson School of Global Affairs Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy presents

Michael Brenes, co-director of the Grand Strategy program: 

“The Rivalry Peril.” 

The Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy will host a discussion with Michael Brenes, co-director of the Grand Strategy program, on his new book, “The Rivalry Peril: How Great-Power Competition Threatens Peace and Weakens Democracy.” The book is co-authored by Van Jackson, professor of international relations at Victoria University of Wellington.

For nearly a decade, the U.S. government has been preoccupied with the threat of China, crafting its foreign and domestic policy to help constrain China’s military power and economic growth. In their book, Brenes and Jackson argue that great power competition with China is misguided and vastly underestimates the costs and risks that geopolitical rivalry poses to economic prosperity, the quality of democracy, and, ultimately, global stability.

Brenes is the author of “For Might and Right: Cold War Defense Spending and the Remaking of American Democracy” and has written numerous essays published in The New York Times, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, and Politico. He is currently writing a history of the War and Terror from the 1990s to the present, to be published by Grove/Atlantic.

The discussion will be moderated by Samuel Moyn, Kent Professor of Law and History at Yale.

Registration is required.

Free but register in advance
Open to: 
Yale Community Only