International Security Studies presents Sean Case, Kissinger Visiting Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow, ISS:
“A ‘hemispheric undertaking’: Frank Tannenbaum’s ‘Coordinate State’ as Theory and Praxis of History within International Society.
International Security Studies will continue its Fall 2023 colloquium series with a presentation by Sean Case, a Kissinger Visiting Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow at ISS. An interdisciplinary scholar, Sean’s research bridges modern American political and intellectual history and international relations. He received a Ph.D. in American Studies from Boston University in 2023. His current project positions balance of power as an ideology animating conceptions of international society, and traces Realist thought through the twin ascendancies of the military intellectual and the defense intellectual.
He will present “A ‘hemispheric undertaking’: Frank Tannenbaum’s ‘Coordinate State’ as Theory and Praxis of History within International Society.” The international relations theory of Realism with its foci on balance of power and national interest provided one historical lens on international order. Frank Tannenbaum, a labor historian and sociologist at Columbia University who specialized in Mexico, drew upon both the foundational and recent revolutionary pasts of the United States and Latin America to recommend his “coordinate state” and its emphasis on cooperation as the model for international society.
Attendance is limited to members of the Yale campus community and lunch will be provided. Please email Bess Oliver at to receive the reading materials for this colloquium.