International Security Studies Fall 2023 Colloquium series presents Adriane Sanctis, Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Global Law & Policy, Harvard Law School:
“Slave Trade Suppression and the Concept of Peace in International Law.”
International Security Studies will continue its Fall 2023 colloquium series with a presentation by Adriane Sanctis, Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Global Law & Policy, Harvard Law School. Adriane Sanctis co-founded LAUT, an independent think tank focusing on rights and rising authoritarianism in Brazil. Her research interests include the contemporary uses of law by reactionary movements, as well as the legal history of peace, humanitarianism, and slave trade suppression.
Adriane will present “Slave Trade Suppression and the Concept of Peace in International Law.” In the nineteenth century, Brazil and the United States took contrasting legal paths to assert their sovereignty against Britain. An important question was how to deal with an imposing edifice of treaty regimes for slave trade suppression. This paper examines the role that prize law, the mechanism underpinning the strategies used by Britain, played in how newly independent nations conceived and disputed the legal concept of peace.
Email Bess Oliver to register