Event time:
Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 12:00pm
Zoom Session
Event description:
The Council on Middle East Studies presents
- Dr. Kaveh khoshnood, Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Yale University
- Dr Naser Almhawish, Surveillance Coordinator, Assistance Coordination Unit, Turkey
- Dr. Leslie Gross-Wyrtzen, Postdoctoral Associate, Yale University
- Dr. Deqo Mohamed, CEO of the Dr Hawa Abdi Foundation
- Dr. Maryam Ba-Break, Lecturer in Global and International Public Health, University of Leeds
“COVID-19 in Humanitarian Settings: Syria, Somalia, Yemen and Morocco.”
Register here. https://yale.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oh_uSXi1QF-rvKHalHUuQg
The panel is focused on the impact of COVID-19 in several humanitarian settings including Syria, Somalia and Yemen. Panelist with expertise working in these countries will share their experiences ranging from surveillance, testing, treatment and vaccination for COVID-19. They will also discuss how COVID-19 has impacted other health issues in these settings.
Free but register in advance
Open to:
General Public