Council on African Studies Lecture Series presents:
Cajetan Iheka, Associate Professor of English, Yale University: “Agbogbloshie, Toxic Ecoscapes and Free Labor in Pieter Hugo’s Prophecy.”
Iheka’s research centers on the political and formal affordances of African cultural productions especially literature and film. He is the author of Naturalizing Africa: Ecological Violence, Agency, and Postcolonial Resistance in African Literature (Cambridge University Press, 2018), winner of the 2019 Ecocriticism Book Award of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, and co-editor of African Migration Narratives: Politics, Race, and Space. His current book project, contracted with Duke University Press, examines the media turn in African ecocriticism with its focus on film, photography, and other visual arts grappling with the continent’s complex ecologies.