Event time:
Monday, April 15, 2024 - 4:00pm
Henry R. Luce Hall, Room 203
34 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven, CT
Event description:
The Center for Historical Enquiry & the Social Sciences presents
Chandan Gowda, Ramakrishna Hegde Chair, Professor of Decentralization and Development, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengalaru:
“ ‘Another India’: Decolonization, Humanistic Legacies, and Social Science Practice”.
In addition to his recent book Another India: Events, Memories, People (2023), Prof. Gowda has edited several books, including The Way I See It: A Gauri Lankesh Reader (2018), and translated Kannada fiction and non-fiction into English, including UR Ananthamurthy’s novella Bara (2016). He has also recently completed a book on the intellectual origins of development thought in colonial India and the cultural politics of building a modern economy.
Open to:
General Public