The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Mondays at Beinecke presents
Albert R. Lee is Associate Professor and Director of Equity, Belonging, and Student Life at the Yale School of Music:
“The Literary Voice of Langston Hughes in American Music.”
Albert R. Lee is Associate Professor and Director of Equity, Belonging, and Student Life at the Yale School of Music, where he teaches a course on The Literary Voice of Langston Hughes in American Music. His Mondays at Beinecke presentation at 4pm on May 9 will be followed by half an hour of q&a and conversation from 4:30pm.
A native of New Haven, Lee earned his bachelor-of-music degree cum laude from the University of Connecticut, his master-of-music degree from The Juilliard School, and his doctor-of-music degree from Florida State University, where his doctoral treatise examined The Poetic Voice of Langston Hughes in American Art Song. Read more here: