- What will I gain from PLSC 490?

In PLSC 490, students learn to design and manage a large research project, to work with an adviser, and how to develop a research design and conduct primary research. When human subjects approval is necessary, students learn how to apply for IRB approval. Students also gain valuable public speaking and presentation skills and experience. Furthermore, they help their fellow classmates explore their respective proposals and share best practices with one another.

In addition, one of the requirements of PLSC 490 is to complete a substantial portion of the senior essay, usually amounting to at least 15 pages. This helps ensure that the distribution of writing is spread out over the two semesters so that students do not find themselves in a position of having to write their entire essay in the spring semester.

This course also serves as an opportunity to challenge one’s self and to explore the process of engaging in political science. For students who may be considering graduate school, the experience can offer a chance to see what it is like to take on a substantial project, conduct research and write a longer paper which is similar to what is expected in higher levels of academia. (That said, there is no expectation that the final product be graduate-level or publishable work.)